Monday, October 15, 2007

The King James Only Controversy

I honestly didn't pick this book up for a long time because up here in Seattle we just don't see that much importance placed on this position. We struggle for people to just take interest in any Bible, so to have a controversy over the KJO position is just not seen all that often up here.

The reason I decided to finally pick it up was because I wanted some better background of the translation process that our contemporary Bibles use and also the reasoning for all those annoying brackets around verses like Acts 8:37.

What I found was a wealth of knowledge of understanding in the translation process and also it taught me what I thought was already laughable and that is the thought that God has inspired and preserved an English translation of the original Greek and Hebrew.
Dr. White, like usual, handles this work in a very easy and readable format. He goes through the background of simply the translation process that happen (ed/s) with every translation, the manuscripts used and also their differences and the reasons why.

If you are not immersed into the difficulty, as I am not, it becomes quite repetitive in a lot of aspects as Dr. White goes through and breaks down MANY verses and compares different versions with each other, allowing the reader to better understand not only the differences but the reasons why the differences exist.

If you are in this controversy and having to fight against it, you will not find it to be repetitive but really an encyclopedia of knowledge and defense against the KJO position.
I really commend Dr. White for this work because he made it very interesting even to us who don't have to communicate with such a strange position. I believe he handles this very fairly and gives extensive footnotes to the reader for fuller explanation and directives if needed. I am sure that those who are in the movement will feel attacked but Dr. White continues to give praise for the KJV when needed but also points out its fallacies to just make the point that it is not the KJV that is infallible but the original words of our great and glorious God.

I would definitely recommend this book for any who are looking for a deeper explanation of how the Bible they hold in their hand was put together.

I highly recommend. Click here to purchase.