Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Christ Our Mediator: Finding Passion at the Cross

This little book is a very powerful one. The book is summed up in one of C.J. Mahaney's quotes when asked by a Starbuck's barista, "How are you doing?" C.J.'s response? "Better than I deserve." This quote is the essence of this book. C.J.'s focus is entirely on the cross and what Christ went through spiritually as He prayed in the garden and left alone and forsaken on the cross.

C.J. hammers home the point of quite the opposite of what is usually focused on: Christ's physical suffering to refocusing us on Christ's spiritual suffering. C.J. then applies this to the reader's suffering in life, joy and proclamation of the Gospel.

There is absolutely no fluff in this book, it keeps coming straight at you over and over again. One quote I absolutely loved is:

If one were to weigh their suffering in this life, their sin would far outweigh it.

C.J.'s point is that when we go through suffering we should not focus on ourselves but in the redemption and suffering at the cross.

I whole heartily recommend this book to all. Return to the cross. Link to Buy