Friday, April 13, 2007

MIssion Minded

This little guide book is one that should be of good help to any pastors and/or elders looking to see some different ways to think about our "mission" as churches. I didn't really know what to expect as I started the book and the author seems to think a lot like people like Driscoll and Chandler, which for me, is a good thing.

Peter Bolt describes what we should not be: a church so stuck in our traditional ways of doing "church" that we don't think of other ways for the members to reach the community. I know what your thinking, "is this another seeker mentality?" I would say, yes, but in a good way. The author is not telling us ways to change the Lord's Day service, but asking us to think on how we use our members to reach our community throughout the week. The author even makes a case for expositional preaching instead of topical.
This is a very practical book where the author even lays out worksheets to provide helps for the pastor to take a look at the people and programs of the church to find the holes that need to be filled, and the places where we spend way too much of our time. Showing even how to find the people that are appropriate for different ministries within and outside the church.

I was pleasantly surprised and would tell readers to at least pick up this little guide book so that we can at least think more about what we are doing in and out each week as we seek to serve our living God. Link to Buy

1 Comment:

S said...

I saw this book at a christian conference once but couldn't recall the title or author. So pleased to find it again! I will order a copy straight away.