Monday, April 30, 2007

Deitrich Bonhoeffer: Opponent of the Nazi Regime

I have heard a lot of quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer and always wanted to read more about this man of God. This book goes through his entire life but the focus is on the time of the Nazi regime. The book was a very easy read and gave some good insights about his life.

The book did not go into much detail on Bonhoeffer's theological convictions but more about his overarching defense of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I wish there was a little more about his theological convictions but just to hear how he stood up to Hitler and the Third Reich Government Church was facsinating. Dietrich was defnitely not an "underground" player during the War, he was very much on the front lines of the church and state debate.

I would recommend this book to give a better understanding of what those were going through that were inside Germany and having to preach and teach against the newly established government church. Link to Buy