Friday, January 5, 2007

The Keys to Spiritual Growth

I would definitely urge those who are new in the faith to pick up this book as it will guide you into a right understanding of what faith that isn't dead is really about. It really is for the new Christian, unless you are one who has "professed" faith but have really never followed up with any true fruit of the Spirit; then this book would be a great book to pick up as well.

This book is good for discipling and if doing so would be great to hand off to that new Christian brother and/or sister in Christ. Also, you get to expose them to some great teaching from one the country's great expositors of Scripture.

Good insight and has some good reminders for those who are more mature in their faith. MacArthur, as usual, draws most of his conclusions straight from the word of God so not to get off track. Link to Buy