Sunday, December 31, 2006

Contending for Our All

This is the fourth book in the "Swans" series but the only one from the series that I have read. I first heard the sermons on these same men from Piper and thoroughly enjoyed them so I decided to pick up the book. It was a very quick read and really just a book that introduces these men, as one would expect from a 200 page book. The men in the book that are covered are Athanasius, John Owen and J. Gresham Machen. Piper did a good job introducing these men so that one would want to read more about them or read their actual writings. Piper's sermon was what initially got me interested in reading more from Owen, which I have very much enjoyed. The one thing that I didn't expect that I enjoyed was the application of the book, or how we could learn and grow from these men, not only by what they read but what they were dealing with. Athanasius with the Deity of Christ, Owen and Atonement, and Machen and the modernists. Again, Piper didn't get into really the meat of the issues but introduced them well; which is what I feel this book was designed to do. I would definitely pick up this book if you would like to be introduced to these men, or if you have read much about them and need a quick reminder of what was once learned. Link to buy book