Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Potter's Freedom

I must put this book at the top of the list as one of the most thought provoking and honest books on the Doctrines of Grace that I have ever read. It was designed to be a rebuttal to Norman Geisler's Chosen But Free, but ended up being not only a great rebuttal but also a great defense of historic Calvinism. It is very readable where needed but also very skillfully exegeting where needed as well. James White has become one of my favorite authors because of his skills of being able to speak to those who don't know Greek fluently but able to still make his point through the Greek text. I have read some who know the Greek but cannot explain it very well and I have also read those who can write very well but do not know the Greek. White treads down both these paths: very well written and fluent in the Greek.

White in this book gently, yet forcefully, directs the reader down Geisler's wrong assumptions or just plain wrong arguments against Calvinism but doesn't seem to "hold it against Geisler" yet corrects where there needs correction and explains further the Calvinist stance on the "five points."

If you are one that needs better description on the Doctrines of Grace, please pick this book up. It will enlighten the stance taken by the Calvinist; which is God is completely sovereign all the time. Link to buy book