Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Journey in Grace

This book is one that most have not heard of and probably will never get the recognition it deserves. This is a novel about a fictional seminary student named Ira Pointer. He goes to an interview to be a pastor at a local church and is confronted by one on the search committee that asks, "Are you a Calvinist?" Pointer, not knowing what a Calvinist is, but knows by the way the question was asked it can't be good, responds by saying, "Of course not!" The rest of the book is a dedicated search for Ira to find out what Calvinism is and what Calvinism isn't. He searches and finds those who hate Calvinists and also those we would refer to as hyper-Calvinists. I found this book to be very well done so that the read is easy yet in depth on the theological topics. Richard Belcher not only shows the greatness of Calvinism and the beliefs therein, but also shows some of the dangers that it can lead to, and really serves for us the warnings that can come about.

Do not let this be a book that you forget about or never read. I have given this book out to those who have never been exposed the Doctrines of Grace and, whether they agreed or not, enjoyed the honest assessment of the theology. It is really like the book, The Five Points of Calvinism, but in novel form. I found the book to be very good in describing limited atonement but lacking in the area of unconditional election. But, overall Richard Belcher should be commended on this work. Link to buy