Sunday, December 31, 2006

Theological Dictionary of the New Testament

This is definitely the best of the best. It is very detailed in its explanation of the key, if not all, the Greek words in the New Testament. It details not only the literal explanation of the word, as one might be used to in Strong's, but also gives you the uses in the Old Testament, Theological Nuances in the Septuagint, The Concepts of the word in Judaism, The Use in Classical Greek and Hellenism and then finally the use of the word in the New Testament. The amount of information can truly leave you breathless and seem sometimes very inadequate. I find it sometimes very hard to follow as one that does not know the Greek language but also find it to still be a very good resource as I try and understand the usage of the words in their intent not just their literal meaning. This work is number one in its field and cannot be beat in breadth and depth of information on the words used by God's appointed writers for His word. I would highly recommend this to layman or clergy alike, to the Greek philosopher or plain speaking American, like myself. It has been a very useful, yet trying, work in my library. Know also that their is both an unabridged and an abridged volume of this work. I would get both, so that when you have less time to look at a particular word you can take a gander at the abridged. Link to buy