Sunday, January 7, 2007

Debating Calvinism: Five Points, Two Views

This debate wasn't too fair. James White is far more superior in knowledge of Scripture and history than Dave Hunt.

Dave Hunt's eisegesis of scripture and drawing up of straw men leave the reader lacking in gaining any perspective of the Arminian camp (even though he states he isn't one, his theology speaks differently). I will also admit that most from the Arminian camp are calling "foul" because Hunt represents their theology and view of Calvinism so skewed.

James White on the other hand deals with Scripture how any Christian should, with complete authority. He exegetes Scripture and gives answers to common questions about Calvinism. If you would like to see more on the happenings of these two before the book was written you could be entertained for hours but I will link that here or here. (Scroll down until you see the interview with Dave Hunt regarding his publication against Calvinism in the Berean Call; it is #490)

The best part of this book is that you get direct answers to the claims that both Hunt and Geisler have brought out in their books against Calvinism, through a new unfounded method in America...the would think that you could find answers to these questions in the Bible?...kidding of course...but this book was well worth the read so that the CORRECT view of Calvinism could be shown in light of its' critics. If you have read "Chosen But Free" or "What Love is This" please read this book so you can get a full picture and answers to the Calvinism camp. Link to Buy


Reforming Baptist said...

This is the book that turned me. I had read Chosen By God by RC Sproul, and Dave Hunts book What Love IS This? and then i was given this one....when I saw the arguments of White being more faithful to God's word than those of Hunt's and Hunt being unable to refute White....i knew who had the handle on the truth.

Seth McBee said...

This book was one that I couldn't put took me only like 3 days to read it because I was so caught up in the great exegesis of James White and the "nuh uh" from Dave was astounding to see this from a guy who is supposed to be a "scholar" and "apologist."

If you get a chance listen to Phil Johnson's teaching on Dave Hunt, it will make you really scratch your head on what this guy is really about...

:::scroll down to 3/6/2003:::